About the Project

Kabalega Cultural Square

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About the Project

Kabalega Cultural Square

Kabalega Cultural Square is a special legacy project to mark 100 Years of Omukama (king) Cwa II Kabalega's legacy. 

Imortalise a Hero's Legacy

A 6 Meter mavel of the image of Omukama Cwa II Kabalega in the center of the square.

Celebrate Culture and History

The planned museum will host a cultural collection of items from ancient times of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom.


Kabalega Cultural Square Amenities

The square will feature a number of amenities for holistic value as a hero's legacy project  

Omukama Kabalega Monument

“He was in national dress, namely, he was wrapped up to the chest...

History & Cultural Museum

Kabalega Tourism Square will host a History & Cultural Museum..

Information Resource Center

To provide numerous resources for community use.

Traditional Cuisine Restaurant

To feature a modern restaurant with special cusines.

Youth Fitness Facility

To inspire healthy living within the community and towards productivity.

Entertainment Stage

To be used for hosting events and community entertainment activities.

What is Required?

To achieve the Kabalega Cultural Square legacy project we need a total budget of USD $1,726,440. We invite you to contribute to this worthy cause.

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How can I support?

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Donate to support this Project

Your contribution towards imortalising Omukama Cwa II  Kabalega through this center counts and will be greatly appreciated. No amount is too small, or too big for this cause. You can give via VISA, MasterCard, or Mobile Money. For other forms of donation such as cheque, please contact us on: +256-200-900935

Testimonials about Kabalega

What People Say.

Much has been said about the inspiring and enduring legacy of Omukama (King) Cwa II Kabalega. Here are some thoughts about him from a cross-section of leaders.

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