
Kabalega Motor Rally 2023 Launched

Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom yesterday (Friday) launched the Kabalega Motor Rally. The Rally will be held from 9th to 11th June in Hoima City and parts of Hoima district.

The BKK Prime Minister was represented by the Chief Administrative Secretary Mr Alex Katusabe.

The Premier said the Rally is one of the events that will be held in the run up to the commemoration of 29 years since His Royal Majesty Dr. Solomon Gafabusa Iguru I, the Omukama of Bunyoro-Kitara ascended to the throne. It also comes at a time Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom is celebrating 100 Years of Omukama Cwa II Kabalega through a year-long series of events from April 06th, 2023 – April 05th, 2024.

He appreciated the Federation of Motorsport Clubs of Uganda (FMU) the partners, sponsors, the media and the Rally drivers for supporting the rally that is named after Omukama Kabalega.

The Deputy Hoima City Mayor Hon. Sylvia Nalumaga appreciated BKK for organizing the rally and asked City residents to tap the social economic benefits of the rally.

Mr Alfred Mutanda, the Clerk of the Course said on Saturday 10th June, the Rally will have a super special stage at Kikwite hill in Hoima City.

Before the super special stage, there will be two stages in Kitoba subcoubty in Hoima District and one in Mparo area in Hoima East Division.

On Sunday 11th June, there will be four stages. Two in Kitoba subcounty, one in Mparo and another will start at Kasingo.

The closing ceremony will be at Miika Eco Resort Hotel on Sunday evening.

40 crews are expected to compete in the event. The competitive sections of the Rally will cover over 113 kilometers.

Mr. Saeed Kakeeto, the Vice President of Central Motor Club said the Kabalega Motor Rally will be the third round of the FMU National Championship.

The Rally is organized by Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom in conjunction with Kabalega Motor Sports Association in partnership with Central Motor Club.

The launch was attended by local leaders, the media, BKK officials, representatives of rally drivers, sponsors and leaders from FMU.

#Kabalega Rally, #Empango 2023, #100YearsofKabalega

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